I finally got my new passport...thank goodness it went smoothly!
I found cute pins that can be used to bunch up chords or anything with holes!
Pigeon eggs suddenly appeared on our balconey but I am sad to say that their parents have not returned...
I finally had my first ever pi a colladas!
I finished my first job appraisal and am now feeling a bit stressed as I feel the pressure of this lovely job that I have...
I have also started an online corse in writing and because of my appraisal stress have failed to turn in two assignments.
I will turn in the last two that are coming up if I have to stay up all night to do it!
So...that is what I have been up to. I hope to visit my favorite blogs over the weekend.
If you tweet, please follow me on Twitter as that has been a helpful tool for me these days when I can't blog!
I hope you have a wonderful weekend!