
March 3, 2009

Fish, Fish, Fish, Fish

Japan is well known for breeding "quality" goldfish in a wide variety! The Telescope Eye Fish is unique as well as popular and sometimes expensive!
Now, if you are thinking...what different types of goldfish are there? There is a neat site in English about that...

Fish in general in Japanese is "sakana". There is a very annoying fish song that used to be played constantly at almost all the grocery stores....

"sakana, sakana, sakana, sakana o taberuto~, atama, atama, atama, atama ga yoku naru~" MEANING "fish, fish, fish, fish, when you eat fish, your head(brain), head, head gets smart."

You don't hear it so often now (thank goodness!) but it used to drive me up the wall because it would get stuck in my head!  Ay, I've done it to myself now...

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